Thursday, October 31, 2019


Dear Friends,

I recently passed my PMP Exam. I would like to share my experience.
Are you looking for completing your PMP before mid of 2020? Few things I recommend you think before you start.
  • What is your strength and weakness?
For me reading books would be boring. I am good at focused active listening. So, I spent more time on watching videos. What about you?
  • In a day, what time your brain will be active and open for learning?
I spend more time for learning at early morning. And all mock tests were taken at evenings. This is my way, and what about you?

Here I shared my own experience and practices with timeline. Hope this will give you an idea, if you are also same kind of person.


PMP Knowledge Sharing session 2019. It was a free program sponsored by my company started from 04-Jul to 07-Aug, weekly one full day. I discussed with my Manager and I self-nominated myself for this program.

04-Jul to 07-Aug

Every Thursday – 4 full day program
As part of the above-mentioned training, all the chapters were covered based on PMBOK 6th edition with support from external and internal speakers.
This was very useful for me to start and learn all the concepts.

08-aug to 21-aug

I was listening this online video course. He will explain the same way as PMBOK 6


Created credential in and filled the PMP application form. Not yet submitted the application 😊


PMI informed us that the changes to the PMP exam have been moved out to July 1, 2020. But my decision did not change. I wanted to complete by October.


Enrolled for PMP Workshop at Coimbatore From Bizards IT Solutions.
A PMP workshop on October 11th,12th and 13th. 3 full days program by Mr. Venkatesan
25% discount for the Bosch employees 😊


Became PMI member and submitted the PMP application


Got the approval from PMI for the PMP application. Paid the PMP Exam fee and got the confirmation.
Blocked the slot for the PMP exam at Coimbatore for 19-October-2019 morning. Now the pressure started to achieve the target.


First day of three days program at Hotel Park Inn from Bizards IT solutions. All the chapters were covered, and this was my second complete course for the preparation after the RBEI internal training program. In-between an online course by Joseph Philips in Udemy.


On the third day post lunch, I had a mock test and I scored 77 % in that. The trainer told that I was on right track.

14-oct to 18-oct

5 full days to go…
I applied leave for the whole week.
Second time I am running thorough the same online video course in Udemy.
Now the difference is
  1. First, I completed one knowledge area in udemy
  2. Attempted the corresponding section quiz to test my knowledge
  3. Read the same knowledge area in Rita-PMP® Exam Prep 9th Edition
  4. Attempted the Practice exam corresponding to the same knowledge area
  5. Going to the next knowledge area
Like this I completed all the knowledge areas.
Other references in parallel:
  2. Youtube videos for PMP by iZenBridge
Few mock tests:
  1. 75 questions
  2. - 200 questions
  3. Free Exams using PMP Exam Simulator in - 60 questions
Full mock tests in:
  1. PMP Exam Prep Seminar – PMBOK Guide 6 by Joseph Phillips – 200 questions
  2. Head First PMP Book 200 questions


If you are reading a situational question in exam, you should be able to find the below:
  1. Current process they are talking about
  2. This process belongs to which Process group
  3. This process belongs to which knowledge area
  4. What are all the activities carried out as part of this process
  5. ITTOs
If you are good in all the above, you can find the exact answer without any doubt. Other wise you will end up in making choice between at least 2 options


On the of Exam day….
9.45 AM is my slot
Morning I once run through the PMP Memory sheet given as a material by the Udemy online course.
An 8 pages PDF was useful as a refresher on float calculation, EVM formulas, Charts, Quality Facts, HR theories, procurement terms and Integrated change control process.
I was prepared for more formula-based problems. But in my exam, I got only 4 questions where I must use formula. ☹

All are situational questions like:
1.      You are currently doing this activity. As a project manager what will you do next?
2.      You are newly assigned with a project where the previous PM resigned, you are getting an issue in the newly assigned project, which plan or document you will refer?
3.      You are currently in this process, you got an issue, what would have been done to avoid this issue?
Before 15 mins I completed all 200 questions and I revisited the flagged ones.
Once the time got over, it got automatically submitted and said “Congratulations” to me. 😊
Yes, I passed my PMP Exam. My wife, mother and whole family were happy about it. More than my effort for exam preparation, the support my office colleagues and my family members gave was really matters.


All the best for your Exam!!! Thank you.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Factory working time based on shift timings

set serveroutput on
mark number:=0;
dur number:=0;
days number:=1;
totaldays number:=5;
while days <= totaldays loop
dbms_output.put_line('day ------------------------ '||days);
for rec in (
select * from shifts where company='c2'
) loop
    dbms_output.put_line('shift - '||rec.shift||' - '||rec.starttime||' - '||rec.endtime);
    if rec.starttime>mark then
        dbms_output.put_line('before shift start');
        dbms_output.put('down *** ');
        dbms_output.put_line(mark||' - '||rec.starttime||' - '||dur);
            if rec.starttime            dbms_output.put_line('on the same day');
            dbms_output.put('up *** ');
            dbms_output.put_line(rec.starttime||' - '||rec.endtime||' - '||dur);
            dbms_output.put_line('goes on next day');
            dbms_output.put('up *** ');
            dbms_output.put_line(rec.starttime||' - '||24||' - '||dur);
            dbms_output.put('up *** ');
            dbms_output.put_line(0||' - '||rec.endtime||' - '||dur);
            end if;
    elsif rec.starttime        dbms_output.put_line('on the same day');
        dbms_output.put('up *** ');
        dbms_output.put_line(rec.starttime||' - '||rec.endtime||' - '||dur);
        dbms_output.put_line('goes on next day');
        dbms_output.put('up *** ');
        dbms_output.put_line(rec.starttime||' - '||24||' - '||dur);
        dbms_output.put('up *** ');
        dbms_output.put_line(0||' - '||rec.endtime||' - '||dur);
    end if;
end loop;
days:=days + 1;
end loop;

day ------------------------ 1
shift - 1 - 7 - 14
before shift start
down *** 0 - 7 - 7
on the same day
up *** 7 - 14 - 7
shift - 2 - 16 - 22
before shift start
down *** 14 - 16 - 2
on the same day
up *** 16 - 22 - 6
shift - 3 - 23 - 5
before shift start
down *** 22 - 23 - 1
goes on next day
up *** 23 - 24 - 1
up *** 0 - 5 - 5
day ------------------------ 2
shift - 1 - 7 - 14
before shift start
down *** 5 - 7 - 2
on the same day
up *** 7 - 14 - 7
shift - 2 - 16 - 22
before shift start
down *** 14 - 16 - 2
on the same day
up *** 16 - 22 - 6
shift - 3 - 23 - 5
before shift start
down *** 22 - 23 - 1
goes on next day
up *** 23 - 24 - 1
up *** 0 - 5 - 5
day ------------------------ 3
shift - 1 - 7 - 14
before shift start
down *** 5 - 7 - 2
on the same day
up *** 7 - 14 - 7
shift - 2 - 16 - 22
before shift start
down *** 14 - 16 - 2
on the same day
up *** 16 - 22 - 6
shift - 3 - 23 - 5
before shift start
down *** 22 - 23 - 1
goes on next day
up *** 23 - 24 - 1
up *** 0 - 5 - 5
day ------------------------ 4
shift - 1 - 7 - 14
before shift start
down *** 5 - 7 - 2
on the same day
up *** 7 - 14 - 7
shift - 2 - 16 - 22
before shift start
down *** 14 - 16 - 2
on the same day
up *** 16 - 22 - 6
shift - 3 - 23 - 5
before shift start
down *** 22 - 23 - 1
goes on next day
up *** 23 - 24 - 1
up *** 0 - 5 - 5
day ------------------------ 5
shift - 1 - 7 - 14
before shift start
down *** 5 - 7 - 2
on the same day
up *** 7 - 14 - 7
shift - 2 - 16 - 22
before shift start
down *** 14 - 16 - 2
on the same day
up *** 16 - 22 - 6
shift - 3 - 23 - 5
before shift start
down *** 22 - 23 - 1
goes on next day
up *** 23 - 24 - 1
up *** 0 - 5 - 5

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.